How To Convert JPEG / JPG / PNG to WebP in Terminal on MacOS

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
How To Convert JPEG / JPG / PNG to WebP in Terminal

Open Terminal, set the directory of your image folder and run a line listed below.

Step One: Open Terminal

Open Terminal

Press command + space and search for Terminal. Press Enter.

Step Two: Set your image directory

Set your image directory

This can be achieved by dragging a folder into a terminal. Press Enter when ready.

Step Three: Update this line of Code

Paste Directory into line below

Paste your image directory address in place of YOUR_DIRECTORY the line below. Copy when done.

for file in YOUR_DIRECTORY*; do cwebp -q 100 "$file" -o "${file%.*}.webp"; done

Step Four: Run the line in Terminal

Sample Terminal on Complete

Terminal should look similar to the image above when complete.

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