How to invite someone to a Figma design file

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Figma with the text "Invite" beneath it.

A step by step guide on inviting someone to a Figma design file.

Step One: Share

A screenshot of a Figma with a highlight on the Share button on the top right.

Click Share.

Step Two: Enter emails

A screenshot of the Figma Share modal, with an email inputted into the email field.

In the Email, comma separated field enter the emails of the people you wish to invite.

You can also enter an email and press enter, and enter the next email.

Step Three: Permissions

A screenshot of the Figma share modal highlighting the permissions that you can set for the people you invite.

Click the can edit dropdown next to the email field and set the permissions.

Options are can edit and can view.

Step Four: Send Invite

A screenshot of the Figma share modal, highlighting the Share button on the top right.

Click Send Invite.

They will now appear under the list that shows who has access to the file.

A screenshot of the Figma Share modal, showing that the email that we inputted has been added to the list of people who have access. The persons email will appear to be greyed out as they have yet to accept the invite.

They will receive an invite, which they must open and click Edit File to gain access.

If they have not received it, resend an invitation using the tutorial below.

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