HKDA Global Design Awards Judges Online Seminar Between the Physical & the Digital

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
HKDA GDA | Judges Online Seminar 2022

We are honored to announce that the Hong Kong Design Awards, Global Design Awards has invited our Founder Oscar de la Hera Gomez to hold a seminar on the Topic "Between the Physical & the Digital".

HKDA Global Design Awards Announcement

The Judges' Seminar of the Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards (GDA) will be held on 19 March 2022 (Saturday), we cordially invite you to meet with the 7 GDA 2021 Judges from across the globe via Zoom. Look forward to meeting you online!

香港設計師協會環球設計大獎 (GDA) 2021 評審分享會將於2022年3⽉19⽇(星期六)於線上舉⾏,我們現誠意邀請你通過 Zoom 與來⾃全球的 7 位 GDA 2021 評審會⾯。我們期待在線上與大家會面!

Date | 19 March 2022 (Saturday)

Time | 10:30 - 15:20

Format | Online Seminar

Conducted in | Cantonese, Japanese & English

Interpretation | Cantonese & Japanese

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Free Admission

日期 | 2022年3月19日 (星期六)

時間 | 10:30 - 15:20

形式 | 網上進行

語言 | 廣東話、日語及英語

翻譯 | 廣東話及日語




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