What is Algolia?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Algolia is an AI powered search engine

Algolia uses machine learning (ML) to offer artificial intelligence (AI) powered search, discovery & recommendations via a set of API clients (web3 toolkits or SDKs) that come in languages ranging from Javascript, Swift to Kotlin.

AI powered search, recommendations & analytics via pre-built front-end components.

Algolia's mission is to create the worlds best instant search and discovery experiences via a value proposition centered around Search, Recommendations & Analytics that can be quickly implemented into your website using their pre-built frontend components.

Algolia's search API allows developers to compose any search experience in the concept of their company or clients application.

Algolia Search is Algolia's search API that offers developers a robust web3 toolkit (SDK) that allows them to compose any search experience in the concept of their company or clients application.

This package offers pre-built Instant Search components in 6 packages that include Vue.js, Javascript, Angular JS, iOS, React & React Native as well as Android. Allowing a developer to build search experiences within seconds.

How does Algolia Search Work ?

Algolia works by searching through index's of schema less data that can be queried via a search interface.

Algolia works by searching through index's of schemaless data that can be queried via a search interface. These queries can be enhanced via rules that allow you to elevate certain objects above others and are dynamically updated over time, via a "Search Feedback Loop" which uses ML to take into consideration customer input via analytics, to align with the content that is most valuable for your customer.

Algolia Recommendations

Algolia's recommendation engine uses Machine Learning to identify objects that are closely linked.

Algolia Recommend is Algolia's recommendation engine that uses Machine Learning to identify objects (i.e. blog posts or products) which are closely linked & offers them to your customer to allow them to more broadly explore your site.

Algolia Recommend offers two recommendation models:

  • Frequently Bought Together
  • Related Products

Algolia Recommend generates recommendations by looking at:

  • Your data indexed into Algolia
  • Your users’ interactions captured through the Insights API

How does Algolia Recommend work ?

Algolia recommendation works by analyzing your index for relevant matches

Algolia Analytics

Algolia uses Machine Learning to adapt your search based on analytics

Algolia Analytics is Algolia's analytics engine for its search and recommendation capabilities. Algolia offers this out of the box via their pre-built components but can be designed into custom UI using their API documentation.

This particular capability separates Algolia from its competitors due to its intuitive, real-time analytics dashboard that allows you to understand what your customers are searching for, interacting with and clicking on.

A sample dashboard from Algolia's analytics for our blog

Any Questions

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