What is Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) ?

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is the digital representation of an identity in the digital world and will empower us to monetize our data.

Examples of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

The European Commission's Digital Identity Wallet
Decentralized Identity Foundation

The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) is vision is to enable a world where decentralized identity solutions allow entities to gain control over their identities and allow trusted interactions.

It exists to advance the interests of the decentralized identity community, including performing research and development to advance “pre-competitive” technical foundations towards established interoperable, global standards.

Microsoft's Scalable Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

In May 2019, Microsoft & their partners at the Decentralized Identity Foundation announced an early preview of a Sidetree-based DID network, called ION (Identity Overlay Network) which runs atop the Bitcoin blockchain.

Essentially, ION lets users obtain control over their own data via the management of their Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). “Today, the most common digital identifiers we use are email addresses and usernames, provided to us by apps, services, and organizations,” Daniel Buchner, senior program manager at Microsoft Identity Division, explained:

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