How to access a non-renewing subscription in App Store Connect

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents App Store Connect with the text "Access Non-Renewing Subscription" beneath it.

A step by step guide on accessing a non-renewable subscription for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, WatchOS or TVOS using App Store Connect.

Step One: Access the Apps Subscriptions

A screenshot of an Empty Subscriptions page on App Store Connect.

Navigate to the Subscriptions section for the app in App Store Connect.

Step Two: Manage

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Subscriptions Page, highlighted at the bottom is the manage hyperlink that sits below non-renewing subscriptions.

Scroll to the bottom and under Non-Renewing Subscriptions, select Manage.

Step Three: Select the Subscription

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Non-Renewing Subscriptions Page, with a highlight on the reference name of the subscription we created in the tutorial linked below.

Select the Reference Name of the non-renewing subscription that you wish to access.

If you have yet to create a non-renewing subscription follow the tutorial linked below.

This will take you to a Non-Renewing Subscription detail page similar to the one below.

A screenshot of an App Store Connect, Non-Renewable Subscription detail page.

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