How to create a non-renewing subscription in App Store Connect

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents App Store Connect with the text "Non-Renewable Subscriptions" beneath it.

A step by step guide on creating a non-renewable subscription for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, WatchOS or TVOS using Apple's App Store Connect.

Apple describes non-renewable subscriptions as the following, and act as limited time consumables.

Step One: Access the Apps Subscriptions

A screenshot of an Empty Subscriptions page on App Store Connect.

Navigate to the Subscriptions section for the app in App Store Connect.

Step Two: Manage

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Subscriptions Page, highlighted at the bottom is the manage hyperlink that sits below non-renewing subscriptions.

Scroll to the bottom and under Non-Renewing Subscriptions, select Manage.

Step Two: Create a Non-Renewable Subscription

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Non-Renewing Subscriptions page with a highlight on the + button next to the Non-Renewing Subscriptions title. We have also highlighted the Create button beneath the title, which only appears if you have not created a non-renewing subscription beforehand. Either of these are clickable and will allow you to create a new non-renewing subscription.

Click the + next to Non-Renewing Subscription, or the Create button if none exist.

Step Three: Name & Create

A screenshot of the Create a Non-Renewing Subscription modal. Highlighted is the reference name and product id, as well as the Create button on the bottom right that appears after you have filled in the details.

Enter details for the Reference Name and Product Id, then click Create.

Please note that the Reference Name and Product Id are for Sales and Trends purposes. The actual information that is displayed to the user is the App Store Localized content which is completed within the product details.

Step Four: Complete the product details

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Non-Renewing Subscriptions with the completed product displayed.

The remaining part of the process involves filling in the details for the non-renewing subscription and saving them.

These details are identical to a consumable or non-consumable in-app purchase.

Please note that if you do not put an end date to a non-renewing subscription, it will last forever and be the equivalent of a Consumable In-App Purchase.

Please consult the tutorial linked below and complete all steps after Step Seven.

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