How to setup a subscription grace period in App Store Connect

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents App Store Connect with the text "Setup Subscription Grace Period" beneath it.

A step by step guide on setting up a subscription grace period for the Sandbox or Production in iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, WatchOS or TVOS using App Store Connect.

Step One: Access the Apps Subscriptions

A screenshot of an Empty Subscriptions page on App Store Connect.

Navigate to the Subscriptions section for the app in App Store Connect.

Step Two: Set up billing grace period

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Subscriptions page with a highlight on the "Set up Billing Grace Period" hyperlink beneath the Billing Grace Period section.

Under Billing Grace Period, click Set Up Billing Grace Period.

Step Three: Complete setup

A screenshot of the Turn On Billing Grace Period modal in App Store Connect, showing the details that appear when you first open the modal. Highlighted on the bottom left is "Turn On" which appears at start, as "Only Sandbox Environment" is selected under Server Environments.

Fill in the details in the modal that appears.

At the time of writing this article, the available options for the grace period are 3 days, 16 days and 28 days.

If you are setting it up for Only Sandbox Environment, the modal displayed above will allow you to set it up. Click Turn On once everything looks good to complete the setup.

A screenshot of the Turn on Billing Grace Period modal in App Store Connect with Production and Sandbox selected under Server Environments. Highlighted on the bottom right is the Next button that you must click once the details look good.

In the event that you select Production and Sandbox Environment, the bottom right button will switch from Turn On to Next. If you click next you will be presented with the modal below that asks you to confirm the setup.

A screenshot of the modal that appears in App Store Connect asking you to confirm the production grace period. Highlighted on the bottom right of the modal is the confirm button which you must press to activate the production grace period.

Once you have confirmed the setup, you will be returned to the Subscriptions page which should now look like the image below.

A screenshot of the App Store Connect Subscription page with the grace billing period activated.

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