How to make required fields for Craft CMS entry types

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Craft CMS with the text "Required Fields" beneath it.

A step by step guide on making fields required for entries to be saved or created in Craft CMS.

Step One: Select Settings

A screenshot of Craft CMS with a highlight on "Settings" on the left menu sidebar.

On the left side bar menu, select Settings.

Step Two: Select Sections

A screenshot of the Settings Craft CMS screen with a highlight on the "Sections" tile that falls under the content section.

In the Settings screen, select Sections, under Content.

Step Three: Select the section entry

A screenshot of Craft CMS showing how if you press the V under entry type you can gain quick access to the entry types of a section.

In the Sections screen, find the section that you wish to modify.

Navigate to the Edit entry types (#) v and select the v to open a pop up that allows direct access to modifying the section entry type.

Select the entry type that you wish to add required fields to.

In the case of our tutorial, we are modifying the Default entry type of the Subscribers section. If you are seeking to add required fields to a new entry type, create a new channel or select a channel and create an entry type.

Step Four: Press the gear

A screenshot of the Craft CMS Entry Type screen, showing where the gear is found next to each field within your entry type Field Layout.

Press the gear icon next to the field that you wish to make a required field. This will prompt a modal to appear on screen.

Step Five: Flip Required Lightswitch

The required lightswitch (flip switch) is found on the top left of the modal that appears on screen. Press it to make the field required for the entry to be completed before being saved.

Turn on the Required lightswitch that appears in the modal window to make the field required.

Step Six: Apply changes

The Apply button is found on the bottom right of the screen on the modal that appears after pressing the grid. This screenshot also shows that we have turned the required lightswitch on.

Press the Apply button to save the changes.

The field which you set to required will now show a * as demonstrated in the image below.

A screenshot of the Entry Type Field Layout showing a * on the field that we made a requirement for the entry to be completed.

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