How to add a label to a view in Swift

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Swift next to a flower that represents XCode. Beneath it sits the text that states 'Adding a label to a View in Swift'.

A step by step tutorial on creating a label and adding it to a UIView in Swift (iOS). Github repository included.

The following article walks you through how to create a label and apply content from our LanguageCoordinator. This builds on our existing SwiftLint starter project and the LanguageCoordinator walkthroughs.

Step One: Create your ViewController UI extension

A screenshot on how to create the ViewController+UI.swift file.

Select the RootViewController folder and press Command + N.

This will select the Swift, iOS file type. Press Next.

After that enter the name of your file - ViewController+UI - and press Create.

Step Two: Create your extension and setup UI function

A screenshot showing you the code for the new ViewController+UI extension.

Copy the code below into your ViewController+UI.swift file.

Step Three: Call your setupUI function

A screenshot showing you how to call the setupUI function from the ViewController ViewDidLoad function.

In your ViewController.swift file, call self.setupUI() from ViewDidLoad.

Step Four: Create your label

A screenshot showing you how to create a UILabel constant.

Under // MARK: UI create your label as shown above.

Step Five: Add your Label to your view controller

A screenshot showing you the code we used to add the label to the UIView within the ViewController. Please note we used TinyConstraints to ease our use of Constraints.

In ViewController+UI.swift create a private function called setupLabel and add the label to the view.

In the example code below, we use TinyConstraints to simplify how we layout UI - in this case a label - in our applications.

Step Six: Set your label text

A screenshot showing you how to update your label text when the content is available.

In ViewController.swift update the label text within the LanguageCoordinator.onContentUpdate callback.

Step Seven: Verify

A screenshot of our app on an iPhone 13.

Run your app and verify the text shows up.

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