How to localize iOS, MacOS, TVOS & WatchOS apps in XCode and Swift

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Swift next to a flower that represents XCode. Beneath it sits the text that states 'Localization for iOS, MacOS, TVOS & WatchOS'.

A step by step tutorial on our method for creating multilingual apps in Swift. Github repository included.

The following article walks you through how to create a language coordinator, for Spanish and English, that enables localized (multilingual) Swift applications that displays different strings depending on the iPhone's system language.

Step One: Create the folder structure

A screenshot showing how we create our folder structure for our Languages. This falls under the 'Models' folder, which holds a 'LanguageContent' folder that has two sub folders 'Strings' and 'Content'.

Under the Models folder, create a LanguageContent folder. Within this folder, create two folders Strings & Content.

Step Two: Create language json files

A screenshot showing you how to create an English json file.

Select the Strings folder and press command + N to create a new file.

This will select the Swift, iOS file type. Press Next.

After that enter the name of your JSON files - en.json and es.json respectively - and press Create for each case.

Step Three: Confirm json file type

A screenshot showing how to confirm the JSON file type.

Press Use .json.

Step Four: Create json base

A screenshot showing you how to create the base JSON for your language strings.

Replace the code in the created file with { }.

Step Five: Create UI Content File

A screenshot showing you how to create the UIContent swift file.

Select the Content folder and press Command + N.

This will select the Swift, iOS file type. Press Next.

After that enter the name of your UIContent file - UIContent.swift - and press Create.

Step Six: Create first content codable

A screenshot showing you how to create the UIContent file & the first struct.

Copy the code below to create your UIContent struct as well as the first content.

This will create a Sample codable, which includes one string sampleString.

The constant below is what allows your content struct to make a sample constant available to your LanguageCoordinator, via LanguageCoordinator.shared.currentContent?.sample.

Step Seven: Add your content struct to your language json files

A screenshot showing you how to add the struct you created to your English JSON.

A sample English JSON update.

A screenshot showing you how to add the content you created to your Spanish JSON.

A sample Spanish JSON update.

The images above shows you how to create strings for the content structs that you create in Spanish and English. Code provided below.

As you can see it associates different language strings to sampleString which can be accessed via LanguageCoordinator.shared.currentContent?.sample.sampleString.

If the content isn't created for both languages using this pattern - the LanguageCoordinator will fail - making your application unable to render strings.

Step Eight: Create the Language file

A screenshot showing you how to create your Language swift file.

Select the Content folder and press Command + N.

This will select the Swift, iOS file type. Press Next.

After that enter the name of your Language file - Language.swift - and press Create.

Step Nine: Create the Language Enumeration

A screenshot showing how to create your Language enumeration.

Paste the code below to create two languages for your app - English and Spanish.

For more languages or different languages, add or change the available cases.

Step Ten: Create your Language Coordinator

A screenshot showing you the LanguageCoordinator singleton we created in the previous tutorial

Create your Language Coordinator folder & file. A step by step tutorial on how to do so is available in the link below.

Step Eleven: Create your Language Coordinator extensions

A screenshot showing you the created extensions for the LanguageCoordinator which include '+Generate' and '+SetCurrentLanguage'.

Select the LanguageCoordinator folder and press Command + N.

This will select the Swift, iOS file type. Press Next.

After that enter the name of your extensions - LanguageCoordinator+Generate.swift & LanguageCoordinator+SetCurrentLanguage respectively - and press Create for each case.

Step Twelve: Complete your Language Coordinator declaration

A screenshot of our completed LanguageCoordinator declaration.

Copy the code below to complete your LanguageCoordinator.

A screenshot of the error that arises if you copy it without the DebuggingIdentifiers which are available as part of a separate tutorial that is linked below.

Please note that you may get the error above - please note that the DebuggingIdentifiers were created as part of the following tutorial.

Step Thirteen: Complete your Language Coordinator generate functionality

A screenshot of our LanguageCoordinator generate extension.

Copy the code below to complete your LanguageCoordinator generate functionality.

Step Fourteen: Complete your Language Coordinator set current language functionality

A screenshot of our completed LanguageCoordinator set current language extension.

Copy the code below to complete your LanguageCoordinator set current language functionality.

Step Fifteen: Setup your content update listener

A screenshot showing you how to setup the content update listener in the ViewController.

Add the listener to your ViewController.

Step Sixteen: Verify content

A screenshot showing you how to verify that the English language works.
A screenshot showing you how to verify that the Spanish language works.

Start your app with Spanish and English as your primary language to confirm that it works. If you change language, your app will reset - triggering this process a new.

How do I access content in the application ?

To use the LanguageCoordinator content, use a guard to make sure that it works and then access it via a notation similar to that shown in the verification step (Step Sixteen) on the debugPrint found on line 62. An example is available in the tutorial below.

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