How to deploy a Serverless project to AWS

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
Three flowers that represent AWS Lambda, Typescript & Serverless side by side. Beneath it sits the text "deploy".

To deploy a Serverless project to AWS, setup the aws-cli in terminal and in the current directory of the project run sls deploy.

The following article walks you through how to deploy our Open Source Typescript & Serverless project to AWS. We recommend cloning or recreating the repository before continuing.

git clone

Step One: Setup your AWS Cli

A screenshot of the Serverless AWS Configuration documentation. A link to this documentation is provided below.

In order for Serverless to be able to be deployed, the was-cli must work with you terminal.

To set this up, please follow the Serverless Documentation provided in the link below.

Step Two: Set the current directory in Terminal

A screenshot of terminal showing how to set the current directory.

Open up the Terminal application and set the current directory to that of the Serverless project.

Step Three: Deploy

A screenshot of terminal showing the command that has to be ran to deploy the serverless project - this command is: sls deploy.

Run the following line to deploy the project:

sls deploy

Please note you need to run this command every time you wish to deploy the project to AWS. To test a function locally, follow the guide provided at the link below.

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