How to add a profile picture to Users in Craft CMS

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents Craft CMS with the text "User Photo" beneath it.

A step by step guide on enabling and adding profile picture for Users in Craft CMS.

Step One: Create a Filesystem

A screenshot of the Create a new Filesystem Craft CMS page with a highlight on the selected bucket, which is left of the Refresh Button in the former step. We have also highlighted the save button on the top right. Once you have picked the right bucket, press the Save button and move on to the next step.

In order to be able to save and access assets, you need to create a file system.

Step Two: Add an asset volume

A screenshot of the Create a new Asset Volume Craft CMS page, highlighted are the details that you need to add including the name, handle and asset file system. This last one must match a formerly created asset system, or the one that you created earlier. We have also highlighted the Save button on the top right. Press this when reading to complete creating the asset volume.

In order to be able to upload photos, you need to create a Craft CMS asset volume.

Step Three: Select Settings

A screenshot of Craft CMS with a highlight on the Settings tab on the left menu side bar. Press it and move on to the next step.

In the left menu side bar, select Settings.

Step Four: Select Users

A screenshot of the Craft CMS Settings Page. Highlighted is the Users tile under System. Press it and move on to the next step.

In the Settings page, select Users.

Step Five: Select Settings

A screenshot of the Craft CMS User Settings page, highlighted is the Settings tab. Press it and move on to the next step.

In the User Settings page, select Settings.

Step Six: Select Asset Volume

A screenshot of the Craft CMS User Settings, Settings Page. Highlighted is the Select a volume dropdown showing the Sample volume that we created. Select the volume you wish to upload user photos to and move on to the next step.

In the User Settings page, under Settings, select a volume using the Select a volume dropdown.

Optionally, you may add a folder subpath, if it helps.

Step Seven: Save

A screenshot of the Craft CMS User Settings, Settings page. Highlighted is the Save button. Press this to save the volume that you selected in the prior step and move on to the next step.

Press Save.

Step Eight: Access User

A screenshot of Craft CMS showing you that if you press the user icon on the top right you can access the admin user (or your user). Press it and move onto the next step.

Access the user you wish to add a photo to either by:

  • Selecting the headshot on the top right and selecting user.
  • Pressing the User tab on the left (This is only available on Craft CMS Pro).
A screenshot of Craft CMS Pro, with a highlight on the Users tab on the left menu side bar.

Step Nine: Upload the Photo

A screenshot of the Craft CMS account screen with a highlight on the Upload a Photo button. Press it to upload a photo for your user through the file browser that appears.

Under the user you will now see a Photo section.

Press the Upload a Photo button, find the photo you wish to set as the profile picture and upload the photo.

Step Ten: Complete

A screenshot of the Craft CMS Admin account screen showing the uploaded photo under photo as well as on the top right.

After uploading the photo, the picture should show up in the top right as well as under Photo, in the user profile in their account.

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