How to create a Backlog

A four step process for creating a product backlog.

delasign's process
As part of creating, elevating or promoting a product, service or experience; companies, individuals and teams are recommended to create tickets or user stories (tasks) of all the work that is required to execute the project.
This body of work is referred to as a backlog and is often broken down into epics, that have underlying user stories (tasks) and agile user stories (subtasks).
It is recommended that teams and companies implement Agile Methodologies or Scrum to maximize a teams performance.
Step One: Select a Project Management Software
In order to populate a backlog with tickets, it is recommended that you a software platform such as JIRA, Asana or
Step Two: Create a Project
Create a new project within the project management software.
Step Three: Define and create the Epics
Take a look at the initiative at hand and create the epics that will hold the user stories (tasks) and agile user stories (subtasks).
Step Four: Create the User Stories and Agile User Stories
Under each of the epics created in Step Three, create all the user stories (tasks) and agile user stories (subtasks) required to execute the project.
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