How to make a GraphQL API call in Swift

Oscar de la Hera Gomez
A flower that represents GraphQL next to a flower that represents Swift, next to a flower that represents XCode. Beneath it sits the text that states 'How to make a GraphQL API call in Swift'.

A step by step tutorial for making a GraphQL call in Swift (iOS) using XCode. Github repository included.

The following tutorial makes use of the free Pokemon API (PokeAPI), which is a free RESTful Pokémon API, that uses GraphQL to process requests. The tutorial gathers GraphQL data using this API and print it on the Xcode console.

The tutorial builds on our Open Source starter project and starts at the main branch. All the changes are found in the tutorial/graphql/api branch.

Please note that although we wished to provide a custom solution, we have discovered that the best way to use the GraphQL using Swift is via the Apollo Swift Package Manager (v1.5.2).


We recommend downloading our Open Source project, checking out the main branch and carrying out the steps outlined below. All relevant changes are found in the tutorial/graphql/api branch.

git clone

Step One: Determine your API & Query

A screenshot showing you the PokeAPI GraphiQL.

Before starting, make sure that you have noted down the API that you will use for your GraphQL call.

For this tutorial we will use the sample GraphQL query found below along with the free Pokemon API (PokeAPI).

Step Two: Add the Apollo Swift Package

A screenshot showing you how to add the Apollo swift package through XCode's swift package manager.

Add the Apollo Swift Package using the Github link below:

In the window that appears make sure that you select:

  • Package: apollo-ios
  • Dependency Rule: Up to Next Minor Version with version 1.5.2
A screenshot showing you how to select the main package within the Apollo Swift Package offered by the Xcode swift package manager.

In the modal that appears, click Add Package.

If you are confused as to how one can add a Swift Package to their project, please follow our step by step guide on adding packages through the Swift Package Manager using the link below.

Step Three: Remove Unnecessary Libraries

A screenshot of Xcode showing the Starter Project Target General Settings. We have highlighted that we have selected all the Apollo libraries , except the "Apollo", that were added from the Swift Package Manager. We have also highlighted the "-" button that allows you to remove these libraries. Remove them and continue to the next step.

In the Projects settings, select the Target (i.e. Starter Project) and in the General tab find the Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content area.

In this table, select all the Apollo libraries, except the actual Apollo library, that were added by the Swift Package Manager and remove them by pressing "-."

This step is required as all the other libraries are not required for your project to run and will cause build errors.

Step Four: Clean the Project

A screenshot of Xcode showing you that if you press Product in the menu, you can Clean Build Folder using Command + Shift + K.

Clean the project to remove any issues pertaining to Apollo libraries that were not necessary.

Step Five: Create the Schema File

A screenshot showing you how to create an Empty File in XCode.

In the project, create a new empty file called schema.graphqls.

Make sure that it has no target membership.

A screenshot of Xcode showing an empty "schema.graphqls" file. We have highlighted that the file has no target membership.

Step Six: Create the GraphQL files

A screenshot showing you how to create an Empty File in XCode.

In the project, for each of the queries that you wish to make, a new empty file called QUERY_NAME.graphql.

Make sure that it has no target membership.

Within the file, paste in the GraphQL query.

A screenshot of Xcode showing a sample GraphQL file. We have highlighted that we have placed it in the folder found at Models/GraphQL and that it has no target membership.

Here is the sample query that we added to the file above.

Step Seven: Install the Apollo Cli

A screenshot of Xcode showing how, after you have added the Apollo Swift Package, you can right click on your project and install the Apollo Cli by clicking "Install Cli."

On the left menu side bar, right click the name of your project and in the menu that appears click Install Cli.

A screenshot of Xcode showing the modal that appears when you install the Apollo Cli. Click the "Allow Command to Change Files" button.

In the modal that appears, select Allow Command to Change Files.

Step Eight: Initialize the Apollo Client

A screenshot of Terminal showing how we initialized the Apollo Client.

Open Terminal and set the current directory to that of your Swift project.

Subsequently, initialize the Apollo client by running the following line:

./apollo-ios-cli init --schema-namespace YOUR_API_NAME --module-type swiftPackageManager

Please replace YOUR_API_NAME with the name of your API (i.e. PokeAPI).

This will create a apollo-codegen-config.json file in the root of your project.

A screenshot of Finder highlighting that the apollo-codegen-config.json was created in the root of the project.

Step Nine: Add the Schema Download Configuration

A screenshot of the apollo-codegen-config.json file with a highlight on the schemaDownloadConfiguration that was added as part of this step. The code to do this is found below.

Open the apollo-codegen-config.json file and add in the schemaDownloadConfiguration using the sample code below.

Make sure to update:

  • YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL to the url of your endpoint (i.e.
  • PATH/TO/YOUR/SCHEMA.GRAPHQLS to the location of the graphqls that you created in Step Five (i.e. ./Starter Project/Models/GraphQL/schema.graphqls).

Please note that as shown in the point above, Apollo doesn't do spaces in the way Terminal does (i.e. Starter\ Project becomes Starter Project).

Step Ten: Fetch the Schema

A screenshot of Terminal showing you how to fetch the schema using the Apollo Cli.

In Terminal, with the current directory set to that of your Swift project, run the following line:

./apollo-ios-cli fetch-schema

This will fetch the Schema and place it in the Schema.graphqls file that you defined in Step Nine (which should match that in Step Five).

A screenshot of Xcode showing the schema.graphqls file. It was previously empty and now has the schema. This demonstrates that the fetch process worked.

Step Eleven: Generate the API Package

A screenshot of Terminal showing you the line that you have to run to generate the GraphQL API package.

In Terminal, with the current directory set to that of your Swift project, run the following line:

./apollo-ios-cli generate

This will generate a folder named after the YOUR_API_NAME that you set in Step Eight.

A screenshot of Finder showing that a folder called "PokeAPI" has been created at the root of the project.

Step Twelve: Add the API Folder as a Local Package

A screenshot of Xcode showing the Swift Package Manager modal. We have highlighted the "Add Local.." button that appears at the bottom of the modal.

Navigate to the projects package dependencies and add a new dependency.

In the modal that appears, select Add Local...

A screenshot showing the finder window that appears allowing you to select and add a local package. We have highlighted the PokeAPI folder that was generated in Step Eleven.

In the modal that appears, navigate to the folder that was generated in Step Eleven. Select it and click Add Package.

A screenshot of the confirmation modal that appears when you add a local package. Click add package on the bottom right to finish this step.

In the confirmation modal that appears, click Add Package.

The local package will now be added to the projects package dependencies.

A screenshot of Xcode showing how the PokeAPI now appears as a package dependency in the project.

Step Thirteen: Update your Configuration.plist

A screenshot showing you the updated Configuration.plist.

Update your Configuration.plist to take in the URL that you determined in Step One.

Step Fourteen: Declare and Initialize the Apollo Client

A screenshot showing how we declared and initialized the Apollo Client in the DataCoordinator.

In DataCoordinator.swift, declare the Apollo Client as an optional and initialize it in the initialization function.

Please note that we call the GraphQL API call function written in Step Fifteen.

Step Fifteen: Create the API Extension

A screenshot showing the extension that we created along with how to make a GraphQL Call.

As demonstrated in our API call tutorial, we recommend making all the functionality for API in an extension in the DataCoordinator.

In the DataCoordinator folder, create a new file called DataCoordinator+API.swift and paste in the code found below:

Step Sixteen: Verify

A screenshot showing you the results gained from our GraphQL Call.

Run your project, you should see the results appear in the console as demonstrated in the image above.

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